En comparación con otros tipos de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, la tecnología MBR tiene varias ventajas.
Lodos activos convencionales:Conventional activated sludge is a common wastewater treatment system that uses microorganisms to break down organic matter in the wastewater. MBR technology offers higher treatment efficiency and produces higher quality effluent than conventional activated sludge, as the membrane filtration system provides an additional level of treatment and removes more contaminants.
Filtro de goteo: A trickling filter is a biological treatment system that uses a bed of rocks or plastic media to support microorganisms that break down organic matter in the wastewater. MBR technology is more efficient and produces higher quality effluent than a trickling filter, as the membrane filtration system provides a higher level of treatment and removes more contaminants.
Prolongar el tiempo de ventilación: Extended aeration is a biological treatment system that uses a large tank and aeration system to promote the growth of microorganisms that break down organic matter in the wastewater. MBR technology offers higher treatment efficiency and produces higher quality effluent than extended aeration, as the membrane filtration system provides an additional level of treatment and removes more contaminants.
ósmosis inversa: Reverse osmosis is a membrane filtration system that removes contaminants from the wastewater by forcing it through a fine-pore membrane. MBR technology is more cost-effective than reverse osmosis, as it requires less energy and produces less waste.
En general, la tecnología MBR tiene varias ventajas sobre otros tipos de sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, entre ellas una mayor eficiencia del tratamiento, una mayor calidad de los efluentes y una menor ocupación. al seleccionar un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales adecuado en función de las necesidades específicas de la aplicación, se puede crear un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales eficiente y eficaz que genere aguas residuales de alta calidad para su reutilización o descarga.